Total Online Solutions, Inc.



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Article number: Article number: kb-42
Q. How to push a domain to another account at TOS

A. To push a domain name to another account on our site, login to your account and proceed to your domain list (manage domains link on member menu).
Click the MANAGE button next to the domain name you want to push.
Click the link that says: Push to Another Account
Enter the username of the account you want to push the domain name to.
Enter a new password, something not used anywhere else.
Click the Submit button.

Now give the password you used to the owner of the account you have pushed to. The next time that user logs in, he/she will have a message to retrieve the domain name. They will have to enter the correct password at that time.

1. When a domain name is retrieved, the new owner's default domain profile will be used to update the whois contact info for that domain name.
2. Domains with hosting services cannot be pushed, please contact the support department if the domain has hosting services and let them know if you want the hosting services moved as well.
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